I'm about to fly off again early next month together with my mom and Smellybutt, to visit my close ex-school mate, CN. But actually leh, main purpose is to shop around :P CN has been working in Bangkok for more than 3 years. So all I need is to get an air ticket, fly over, and stay at her place - a service apartment unit which costs about RM10K/month for rental bare by the company which she works with. Cool huh? =) Got house keeping (rumah bersepah also don't care :P), free breakfast everyday (for CN only lah), got swimming pool, gym centre and a driver for her!! So nice!! She also told me not to bring any towel. See, I'm really like staying in a 5 star hotel leh. In fact, during the recent school holiday,Teacher Nel and husband went to visit her too.
So, after listening to all the shopping experiences by Teacher Nel, my sifat gatal liao. Initially, I only checked out Air Asia flight ticket price and I thought it was cheap. But somehow my sifat gatal again, went to MAS website and simply checked out their prices without high hope. To my surprise, MAS pricing was slightly cheaper than Air Asia O_o. With the lower price, better cabin environment and so much nearer to get to KLIA, I'll be served with this
AND most importantly THIS!!!!
FYI, my 14hr flight to NZ only came with an ordinary vanilla ice cream, not this!
* picture courtesy of Teacher NelTell me....how to resist??? Total payment for MAS flight would be RM1,800 for the 3 of us. Smellybutt gonna ponteng sekolah again :P Talk about the air ticket price, someone wasn't too happy with it. Too expensive wor =( Erm, my justification is we get free 4D3N high class accommodation with experienced tour guide service (by CN :p). Also, I really do not want to miss out this golden opportunity to travel while I still have the energy and stamina (chewaahh!!) to walk for long hours with a small bulging tummy. 3 years ago, I didn't fly at all when I was having Smellybutt. Eh...if I don't travel now, I will have to penjarakan myself for at least 1.5 year after I give birth, to fly here and there again with 2 monkeys! So, to whom it may concern, don't angry me lah...maybe Lil BB will be inspired to be a steward/stewardess in future!! Then we both get to fly for free lor!! Muahahahaha!! Once upon a time, my ambition was to be a stewardess too. Unfortunately, I still need another 3cm height to qualify myself +_+ But I guess that it's nicer to be served in the air plane, rather than serving people. Worst if gotto serve the ugly, smelly, demanding and bad tempered people! Kekeke.
Counting down my happy days now (",) yat.... yee... sam... sei....