30 June, 2010

Kiss me bebeh

Night time after dinner, I will rest my palms on my lil bulging tummy, trying my luck to feel Lil BB's movement. I'm already into 18th week of pregnancy, very soon touching 5th month! Waaa time flies....Although my gynea said to me that I can only feel the baby's movement when I reach 20th week, but sometimes I DO feel Lil BB's movement. I'm pretty sure those movement which I felt earlier was not due to the gas/wind in my stomach.

I always tell Smellybutt that I am having a baby in my tummy, so my tummy will grow bigger and bigger. And eventually she will be the big jie jie, while baby is...erm baby lah :P I also tell her that we always care and sayang you, so do you sayang baby? She said "sayang" with a cheeky smile!! That looks a bit fishy to me....LOL! I asked her whether she wanted to kiss baby or not?

And she......

Followed by this.....

So that I will look sexier with it.....

I hope that my next check up in mid July, we all get to know the gender of the lil one. Can't wait for it! So Lil BB, please don't kepit the umbilical cord in between your legs Ok? Don't want to be cheated again ya!


Debbie said...

Wah! Congrats PW.. Haven't been reading yr blog so I just found out u are pregnant! hehe..

Soon u also won't hv time to do anything :)

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

Thx Debbie!! yeah..now itself no time to berak...later worst! :P

ILikePaperCutting said...

she is just cute and sweet.

LittleLamb said...

Congrats to you.
Aiyo..not 20th Months..but 20th Week.

Take good care.

Smelly Butt's Ama said...

waaa paiseh paiseh for the mistake and TQ for alerting me, LittleLamb!!


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